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We’re living in a world where people are constantly looking for ways to change their lives and make a difference. But what happens when we realize that we don’t want to stop there? What happens when we realize that we want to make a global impact?

In this episode, Rachel sits with Award-Winning Keynote Speaker, business coach, best-selling author, and Podcast of the Year Recipient, Daniel Gomez. Daniel’s new book, The Makings of a Millionaire Mind, talks about how we can shift our mindset and think global when it comes to chasing our dreams. 

Listen in as Rachel and Daniel talk about the first step in making a global impact, how we can build a solid foundation for our dreams, how our actions today can create a generational shift, the catalyst for growth, and how we can add more value to people.


“Think global. If you want to leave a mark so big that’s going to impact the world and generations to come, that requires you to do that inner work from the beginning.” –Daniel Gomez


Episode Highlights:

02:19 Believe in Your Dream 

05:19 The First Step in Making Your Mark  

09:45 Do The Inner Work 

13:42 Choose Your Conversations 

17:47 How Big of a Mark Can You Make? 

22:25 Catalyst for Growth

26:57 Join The Makings of a Millionaire Mind Bootcamp

29:03 Put God First  







If you've always wanted to be a part of something bigger than yourself, then this episode is for you! Join Rachel and Award-Winning Keynote Speaker, Coach, and Podcast of the Year Recipient @danielinspires as they discuss how we can sustain our… Click To Tweet



02:23 “All you need is one person that believes in you.” –Daniel Gomez

02:57 “You got to believe in your dream when nobody believes in your dream.” –Daniel Gomez

06:52 “The first step in becoming a millionaire is forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself.” –Daniel Gomez

09:25 “Think global. If you want to leave a mark so big that’s going to impact the world and generations to come, that requires you to do that inner work from the beginning.” –Daniel Gomez

13:15 “We have to invest in ourselves first before anybody else is going to invest in us.” -Rachel Best

15:34 “If you’re hanging around with friends, people, and family members that talk 75% of the past, in the relationships, you should be talking 75% about the future.” –Daniel Gomez

17:04 “If you want to leave that imprint into the world, then you can’t just sit back where you’re at. You have to keep on moving.” -Rachel Best

18:00 “There’s no mark too big, just make it bigger and bigger.” –Daniel Gomez

19:58 “The best investment in the world is you.” –Daniel Gomez

23:01 “When you don’t grow, your business doesn’t grow.” –Daniel Gomez

29:26 “Put God first and you’ll never be last.” -Daniel Gomez


Meet Daniel:

Daniel Gomez is an Award-Winning Keynote Speaker, Business Coach, Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, and Podcast of the Year Recipient. Daniel speaks and coaches at events all over the world!


His passion is to elevate businesses and entrepreneurs to achieve their true potential through their training and coaching programs. Daniel has empowered his clients to build epic success in their personal and professional lives. He is the International Best-Selling Author of “You Were Born to Fly”, a book written to inspire and give people the high-performance habits and confidence needed to be the leaders of their own destiny.



Rachel Best: Welcome back, my friends. Today, we have a special guest. His name is Daniel Gomez, and I am going to let him introduce who you are, and what is it that you do?

Daniel Gomez: Rachel Best, I’m excited to be on your podcast. I leave your mark in the world. I’m here with you. Daniel Gomez is just, you know what? I’m a guy that likes to have a lot of fun. I love to help people develop their millionaire mind and really believe it for themselves. But even more important than that, five years ago, my wife, my life was turned upside down. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I thought I had it all together. I left my career, I left what I knew and what I was familiar with to take care of my wife. I know that God has never even had an amazing journey to meet amazing people like yourself. And I became this motivational speaker, author, podcaster, business coach. And now, we’re doing amazing things around the world. It’s really about adding value to people all over the world. So that’s what Daniel Golez says, and our brand is the Makings of a Millionaire Mind. And little showed back here, it’s Daniel Gomez Inspires is my motivational speaking brand. So just about adding value to people. That’s who I am. That’s what I do.

Rachel Best: Yes. You and your wife do such an amazing job at it. I have been honored to come to a few of Daniel’s Speaking engagements, as well as him and his wife’s conference. And I’ve read his book, and I’ve done his course. And he and his wife, they’re just such an inspiration. You guys are so awesome. You just love people and pour into people. And what I love most about you guys is you just believe in people, and you just add so much value.

Daniel Gomez: I like what you said because all you need is one person that believes. And I think, and I thank you for recognising that because there was a time in my life where they didn’t believe in me. People laughed, people thought I was crazy. Think about it? I left a career in the automotive industry, running multimillion dollar dealerships, making really, really good money well over six figures. I was sharing with some friends that were close to me, you can do that. And sometimes, you just need one person to buy into your dream with you. I want you to obviously hear about that because you got to believe in your dream when nobody believes in your dream.

Rachel Best: That’s good, that’s powerful. That’s powerful because that’s really where it starts. We have to believe in ourself to even pursue the dream before it can even come to pass. And so Daniel, tell us how are you guys leaving your mark in the world. What does that mean to you? When people hear your name, what does leaving a mark in the world mean to you? What do you want them to think about?

Daniel Gomez: Well, I think you did that for me today already in this episode, just coming to our events. Nothing moves me joy when we see our clients, our attendees that our events succeed. And I wish everybody would succeed. I wish 100% people would succeed when they come and they engage with Daniel whether they read a book or come to our Sticker Shock Speaking Academy, or make some of my bootcamp. But leaving my mark is seen. The other day I was there and I was sleeping, my wife goes, did you see that? She’s like, did you see Rachel Best? And I said, no. I said I was asleep. She’s like, she’s having a little conference. I praise God for having confidence. And it just brought me so much joy, and that’s what it’s about. For me, it’s helping people to leave their mark in the world. I have a footprint in my God space. It’s continuing to grow every single day, every single month, every single year. But it’s really seeing the Rachel Best of the world who you help. And with your book coming out, with your podcast launching, then you have the confidence to take on this event of yourself that’s leaving a mark. Couple of people mark is my mark. Does that make sense?

Rachel Best: Yeah. Yes, it does. It does. And it’s so amazing that you get to do that, and that you do give that inspiration to just help people. Over the last five years, you shared, you touched a little bit about your wife going through cancer, and that’s where all of this birthed out of. And so go back there and just kind of share with us, kind of the path a little bit of the road of how this all came about, and just share a little bit.

Daniel Gomez: It wasn’t pretty. And what I mean by that is, only use the houses as an analogy. There’s a time when a house gets dated, you have to clean out. You can have shagging carpet from the 70’s, it just doesn’t work. And you can have certain pain because pain gets older now. So there comes a point, sometimes we have to really just demolish the house, break it down and build new. And I didn’t realize that that’s what we needed. That’s what my wife needed. That’s what I need. I thought I was this good guy, and I wasn’t a bad person. But I just had so much pain inside of me just from childhood, just moving all the time and losing my mom at 10 years old. And then all these things that were happening, I didn’t realize how much junk I had inside. And so the first part of our journey, I’m gonna tell you the first part of us helping people leave their mark is we had to deal with Daniel and really just break down and start from the ground up and build a new foundation. And it’s painful. Because sometimes, you gotta leave without it. You have to leave what you’re familiar with. You have to leave those old relationships. And then you have to do the inner work in yourself and forgive yourself. I think for me, I carried a lot of shame, a lot of guilt, just regretful things, decisions that I had made as a leader and running that dealership, just so many things that came to the surface. Because for so many years, I just shoved it underneath the rug. I talk about that in my book. 

The first step in really becoming a millionaire is forgiveness. You got to forgive yourself. Because if not, what happens is there’s this lid on your life. And I had put a lid on my life that’s why I was stuck. I was at the point when Madi was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was unhappy. So really, I would say the first part of those five years was really just entertaining and just really asking God. God, what is it that you need me to do? What is that we need to do? And of course, everybody wants the light on them and the success. But it’s like, no, dude. So when my business first started, he made me go back because he wants you to succeed. I said, yeah, good. Go ask for forgiveness. Go apologize to that man. Because I left the wrong way when I left. Because I left with my ego, my attitude. It was really humbling. And I said, look, I don’t want it for me. I just came back to apologize, and thank you for what you did for me. And I think if anybody’s listening to this right now that really wants a place to start, you gotta start at the foundation of your business, of your journey. Because if you don’t have the right foundation as you grow, you’re going to collapse, and you’re going to implode on your success.

Rachel Best: That’s powerful. So powerful. Like you said, forgiveness of yourself and then also to other people, that’s where a lot of that stuff does happen. It just gets squashed down in there, and it just becomes ugly inside, then it creates turmoil inside of you. And so that is such a freeing thing to do, just to forgive. And then also, like you said, ask for forgiveness because you acknowledge and you humbled yourself of where you were wrong. And then after that, that kind of when everything started, coming into order.

Daniel Gomez: Yeah. I want your audience to hear this because you have an amazing brand that you’re building, how to leave your mark. Most people just want to leave a mark. I don’t want to leave a mark, I want to leave an imprint. I want to leave a mark so huge that it’s passed as my lifetime, that it turns into a legacy on my son and my daughter. And just people like yourself are gonna leave a footprint, and then you’re gonna leave a footprint on your children. The mark’s gonna be there. So I think the question that you have to start in the foundation is, if you want to just leave a temporary little mark on the world within, don’t do the work. But if you really want to make an impact, you have to do the work to leave that huge mark of global impact, a global mark. I want to challenge your audience. I’ll just leave a little baby mark, no bigger than your city, it’s bigger than your state. Think global. Think, I want to leave a mark so big that’s going to impact the world and generations to come. But that requires you to do that inner work from the beginning.

Rachel Best: Yeah. So you started off with forgiveness. What other things did you do that you worked on the inside so that you could have a more solid foundation?

Daniel Gomez: Stuck advice as a counselor, I think too many times, people try to do it on their own. When you want to become this business owner or you want to become an entrepreneur, you have the right intentions. Your heart’s in the right place that gives you that dream to be, hey, this coach, or the speaker, whatever it is, to be a real estate broker, own a business so we leave that 9:00 to 5:00 job physically. But mentally, we still think as a microfiber. And now, we tried to do it by ourselves. I was blessed enough when I left. The automotive dealership, running that multimillion dollar dealership, I had that business behind me. I had that business savvy because we had 100 employees. I was in charge of inventory, I was in charge of employees. I was like, I had a lot of responsibility. And I went to school for that. The dealerships went, but it was so much business that already had. So when I transitioned, people said, how are you doing it? I was like, what are you talking about? Honestly, which I say this that I was ignorant because I thought everybody was getting paid to speak. I thought everybody was making 100,000 because I was doing it. 

And the thing is, even though I had some success, I said, okay, I need to learn the speaking business. I don’t have any idea so I hired a mentor or a coach. I had two coaches in my first year, and I think so many people, they want to figure it out on their own because private labels gets in the way. No, you have to hire a coach, you have to hire Rachel Best to help you lose the weight. She’s already lost weight. She’s already doing phenomenal. You have to hire Daniel Gomez because he’s already spoken on stage. I had already spoken on stage with Tom Bilyeu, and we’ve made a very successful living just from speaking. And then when that happened, it was just like, wow. So I said, okay, well, I’m here. And then they said, we gotta write a book. And I’m like, then I got quotes on books, and I had a heart attack. Why would I spend money? People always use the excuse that I can’t afford it, or it’s not the right time. You use that, we use that as an excuse. And when I went to John Maxwell, I was so scared because I might have just had her second major surgery, we really didn’t have the money. But I said, God, like if this is a view, helped me. I was literally shaky, no joke, because it was a $4,000 bill that didn’t have to buy the airplane ticket. It was $5,000 that we had to pay so we paid it. I would have never gone, I would have never tasted my goal, I would have never put myself in the environment. I’ll never forget going into this conference and I met my first author for the first time. This gentleman, I don’t even know who he was. I thought to myself how awesome it would be to write a book. So God cannot see me at that conference. When I came back, I started getting quotes. I’m like, I’m never gonna write a book because I had never invested that in myself. So at the time, the quotes, I was getting more like 7, $10,000. And then I gave up and I said, you know what? Then this gentleman called me out of the blue, he goes, you know what? We can help you with your book. It was God, it definitely was. I still had to pay thousands, but it wasn’t as many thousands. But if it wasn’t for that, I would have never been who I am now today.

Rachel Best: Yeah, wow. That’s an amazing story. How you guys took something and you’ve turned it around, and just something beautiful, beautiful, beautiful matches. I also love how you were talking about investing in yourself. And so that is the number one thing that I have also learned is that if nobody else is going to invest in us, we have to invest in ourselves first before anybody else is going to invest in us. Just taking that step of faith and just saying, okay, this is what I want to do, this is my goal. And then how the seeds just kind of keep getting planted, and they just keep evolving and growing. And that’s awesome. And so what would you say is the best business advice that you’ve ever been given?

Daniel Gomez: I think you kind of answered that. Invest in yourself. Why? Because never stop learning. The best business advice is never stop learning. I talked about it in a book. We have a financial thermostat. So if you’re used to making $100,000 a year, most entrepreneurs get stuck at 100,000, and then the associations that they have, the conversations that they have are $100,000 conversations. So your business is never going to grow. You’re never gonna grow. We keep on hanging around with $100,000 people. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you gotta start having conversations with some millionaires and multimillionaires. And when you put yourself in that arena of vibration of energy of wisdom, it’s totally different. And what do I mean by that? A good example because I don’t want people to take me wrong that we’re better than anybody, but just the conversations that think are different at higher levels. When I was a kid, we never talked, all we talked about was layaway, and I can’t afford that. And people say, what’s that? Layaway is when you put something away at the store at Walmart. They still have it sometimes for Christmas. You can afford to pay for the whole toy. I usually like to buy hot wheels. My parents will put stuff in layaway and they’d be like, okay, we’ll get it in Christmas. And we will put it in layaway three months before to get it off for Christmas. Those are the conversations we had. 

And then you meet other people. And now, my life, I told my grandson, hey, Mr. Millionaire, how are you doing? Hey, Mr. Millionaire. I even gave this million dollar bill to plant the seeds. I’m like, here you go. There’s like a gap problem anymore. It’s a different conversation because you’re helping the legacy of your family to change. And then conversations that you have here where you’re talking about all the good old times. Oh, when things used to be, if you’re hanging around with friends, people and family members that talk 75% of the past, in the relationships, you should be talking 75% about the future. And I think that that’s what I love about hanging around with next level people because they challenge me to dream bigger. Even the success that we’ve had, I’m like, I’m comfortable. I’m telling you, but no, push yourself. And so it’s really very crucial that you never stopped learning to answer your question. Never stop learning, continuously invest in yourself because there’s always another level of silence.

Rachel Best: Yeah, so good. And I love how you just said about 75%. We should be looking 75% into the future, not 75% in the back. And that frequency and those conversations that you have at a higher level, like you said, it’s nice to have conversations with people like that. When you have conversations about the big dream and the big picture of what’s next, what could happen next? I’ve heard this several times. I’ve heard you say it on stage about the five people that you’re hanging out with. I like the quote of, show me your friends, I’ll show you your future. That’s exactly what you’re doing. Investing yourself, putting yourself into spots that you can grow. So like you said, you’re content, you’re good, but you want more. And if you want to leave that imprint into the world, then you can’t just sit back where you’re at, you have to keep on moving. How awesome is it that you’re already instilling those beliefs into your grandson at such a young age of, you’re a millionaire. Because our belief systems, when we were younger, mine were similar to yours as well. And so what a shift in the generations that’s coming up is you’re already planting those seeds into him to already crush those limiting beliefs. Now he’s like, gonna be like, what like, wow.

Daniel Gomez: I think the question is, how big of a mark do you want to leave? They can determine how big of a mark you want to leave in this world. And the answer to that there’s no more too big, just make it bigger and bigger. And it doesn’t come from a selfish, greedy, ambitious side of me or anybody. I want to challenge your answers, how big of a mark can you leave where you can really make an impact globally to help other people, to encourage other people because it takes money. It takes money, it takes finances. And sometimes, people don’t realize that, hey, when you’re doing this, it’s gonna take not just $1, $10. It’s gonna take thousands, hundreds of thousand millions sometimes for whatever that dream that God’s given you. It’s just amazing when you’re able to go out there and really make an impact and share it with people. It’s like, people need to stop thinking, I just want to leave. No, I want to leave a huge mark. I want to leave a huge mark on the world where people are going to know that, Hey, Rachel Best was here. How do I know? Because I see the glow. The global impact. Daniel Golez Inspires (inaudible) because many people came for a secondary event and they left knowing Jesus, and they left with a difference. I think of all the people that are coming to our Sticker Shop Speaking Academy. (inaudible) left two years ago or a year and a half ago and his heart was unlocked, his heart was healed. And now, he’s doing events. 

And then I think about Tony Potter that left and then he’s doing amazing things, making 60, 70,000 because of Sticker Shock as a side hustle, as a professional speaker. So when it comes to Sticker Shock, it really changes your belief system. Jen Hardy was just here yesterday. She’s having the event after event and just seeing the action that night. And me and Madi were talking to us about, (inaudible) comes out of sticker shock this time. And lo and behold, Rachel Best comes out and she’s like, I want to do my podcast. I want to, but that time for you really just fly in. And that’s what it’s about, seeing all these people leave a global impact. And it’s just beautiful, because you really have to change the association sometimes, and the best investment in the world., ladies and gentlemen.

Rachel Best: Your events have changed my life. I went to Sticker Shock a few months ago and then went into Sticker Shock just recently because that kind of awakened me. Like, I can get paid to speak? How awesome is that? I can do a side hustle and make good money. And so that kind of sparked an interest. And then going back again, it just even stirred up even more. So I think you planted the seed because I really didn’t know what to expect the first time. And so you guys who ever have interest in speaking or writing a book, this man is the man because he has him and his wife. They are so amazing at what they do. And like I said, they have the tools to hand you what you do with the tools is up to you. But you, Daniel, have amazing tools to help people go where they want to go. And like I said, you have such belief in people, and you never give up on them and you just keep showing, you do reflect the love of Jesus and just wanting to care for people. I’m so grateful for your event and your Sticker Shock. I went through a millionaire mindset course, and I can’t wait to go to the boot camp for that. I’m sad that I have a conflict.

Daniel Gomez: So let me ask you this, as you go through the course, what’s been the biggest hole or something you took away from the course as you were going through the course?

Rachel Best: The affirmations. I have three walls, three pieces of paper of affirmations. Like embody as I speak them out loud and just to embody them. There’s so many different things in there, forgiveness. I remember walking around, and when I was listening to that one, I was like, okay, who’s the first person that pops into my head and forgives them? Each time you go through the module and also the course, I like how you have them together. It’s amazing. I actually just restarted it again. I’m sure I’ll have a different outcome this time than I did the first time.

Daniel Gomez: Why is it different from you? Now you speak with confidence. Now you speak, and that’s what it’s about. That’s what leaving your marks about Rachel is when you see the growth in people. And even this past Sticker Shock that we were in San Antonio, we had two people that came back from the original one that were there, Titus and Trent. They were at the very, very first one. You’re talking and you’re like, man, this was like next level then? And I’m like, yeah. But then this is the key. I want your audience to hear (inaudible), Daniel, because you’ve grown. And that’s what happens. When you don’t grow, your business doesn’t grow. When you don’t grow, your events don’t grow. When you don’t grow. nothing grows around you. You’re the catalyst for the growth, and that’s why it’s important to continue to learn. And I was like, you know what? You’re right. And the quality of people is just amazing. Just take a shot, and maybe you can just do that. Not that it’s cinematic, not that anybody is better, but it’s just a different level of thinking, a different level of people dreaming. I think what you said is holding you. It’s a difference of knowing what to do, but doing it. You have to do it. And I think that for people that do it,there’s just a different aura about them than just people talking about wanting to do it. Because like you said, we give people the tools. 

Nothing breaks my heart more, Rachel, when we give somebody the tools and they don’t do anything. I say what happened, but you can’t force people to do it. I couldn’t force you to do something when you’re not ready. But when you’re ready, let your blasphemy. So you just have to be patient. I think your audience needs to understand that. If you’re a coach, if you’re somebody out there that’s mentoring, leading people, one of the biggest mistakes that a lot of leaders make is they’re impatient. They want the result today, and it takes people time sometimes to really believe in themselves to where they really say, this is possible for me. I can do this. I can be part of this team. I can be part of this organization, or I can make a difference, whatever that dream and vision is for you. If you’re leading people someway, somehow, be patient with them.

Rachel Best: Yeah, yeah. And again, I think it all goes back to that inner junk. You gotta get rid of that inner junk. That’s where I was. I had to get rid of that inner junk before I could come here. And so what is one of your favorite scriptures or a quote that you really lean on that you really like?

Daniel Gomez: For me, I always lean on all things possible. Never, I think that it’s impossible. It says with God, all things are possible because it helps me to believe that it’s possible for me. It’s possible for me. Sometimes, right now we’re being challenged by God to take our bootcamp internationally to take it across the country. I’ve never had an event outside of San Antonio. So when I was ordering our new stage, they had a little like, we had a hard case case, right? Like a suitcase. And I was like, are you gonna sit by the case? I don’t want to buy the case. It was like 700 bucks, but it’s a case of travel. If I travel on a plane, I put it in a suitcase made for the stage and we ship it. But I knew that if I buy it, that it’s like God is challenging me. So I was like, okay, but with God, all things are possible. So by failing, I’m buying the stage because we have to put the attention on her. So that’s one of them. And the other one is this. When you give yourself to the Lord, he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37, delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. And I think sometimes, whenever I feel like chemistry really happened for Daniel Gomez Inspires. When you delight yourself in God, he’ll give you the desires of your heart. So I think those are two. When I get overwhelmed, or I just want to reflect, I just really just meditate on those and chew on that. Because those really helped me in times of adversity or times that I need to really just reflect and go deeper within myself.

Rachel Best: Yeah. Well, you definitely reflect a lot of Jesus, and you bring people to Jesus all the time. I love being at that event, all your events. You just lay your hands on people. I’m sure God is looking at you, and he’s so proud of you. So tell us, if people want to get connected with you, how can they get connected? And share a little bit, when is your bootcamp for your Millionaire Mind?

Daniel Gomez: Yes, thank you. So November 18th and 19th here in San Antonio, Texas November 18th and 19th. That’s a North Conference Centre, The Makings of a Millionaire Mind Bootcamp. Two amazing days where we’re really gonna go deep in you. Just imagine a life with no financial stress. I live for you and your wife, your husband is not arguing about money. And also, a life where maybe you’re stuck in business. Your business grows another 25, 30, 50% in revenue. So it’s going to be a two day event here in San Antonio, The Makings of a Millionaire Mind Camp. November 18th and 19th is going to be transformational, it’s going to impact you and really going to significantly change your life. So we want to welcome your audience,, and you can get our course there also. And what I’ll do for your audience is, we have five minute of our scholarship that we can offer. So mentioned this podcast, and we’ll give you a five minute scholarship to save on the course. So you’ll save $500 with that. We’ll see if you qualify, but we’re gonna qualify automatically because you are making it through. And then our brand is Daniel Gomez Inspires. That’s what we use on IG, all over the different social media platforms. But I want to hear from your audience. If they go to, that’s danielgomezglobalcom, send me a message through our website. And we want to give your audience a complimentary 45 minute discovery session.

Rachel Best: Very nice. Very good.

Daniel Gomez: Your book on Amazon?

Rachel Best: Yes, get your book. My books are out there. I should have brought them in here. They’re out there. But yes, definitely get a hold of this guy, you’re gonna want to go to his course. And just even start following on Facebook, that’s how he and I got connected. I started following them on Facebook, and he inspired me and then they just happened. All God. But there was one last thing I was gonna say. And now, I forget what it was. But anyways, Daniel, we thank you so much for all your amazing nuggets of information, and just your inspiration, and just sharing your heart today. And I look forward to having you again in the future. I look forward to seeing how people come and reach out to you. And hopefully, they’ll come to your course.

Daniel Gomez: Thank you, Rachel, thank you for having me on your show. You’re doing amazing, and we’re honored to be part of your life. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to leave you with this. If God can take stinky old mode, green stinky old mode and turn it into penicillin. That’s good for the bottom. What can God not do in your life if you give him a space and a place to help you guide you? Put God first, and I promise you, you’ll never be last.

Rachel Best: Amen. Very good. Thank you so much Daniel. I appreciate you taking your time today.

Daniel Gomez: Thank you for having me.