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Just like a dance, life can be a real rollercoaster. The highs and lows, the successes and failures, and all the unfamiliar terrain in between can make it seem like a chaotic mess. But beauty emerges from understanding the rhythm. Life is a journey filled with lessons and surprises, and the only way to make the most out of it is to learn the rhythm of life. 

Moreover, like in a dance, you will need a good partner to dance with and lead you—and no one can lead you better than God. He can give you the insight and understanding to help you make sense of your experiences and find joy and peace in the midst of the chaos. With God as your perfect and faithful partner, you can find real fulfillment as you journey through life.

In this episode, Rachel interviews the author of Embrace the Dance, Rachel Bailey. Listen in as they share how we can turn our “I can’t” to “How can I?”, how prayer and waiting relate to each other,  what is something better than perfection, and how we can walk in our purpose with excellence. 


You are unique and you have a purpose. Walk in that confidently and don’t let anyone tell you differently.” —Rachel Bailey


Episode Highlights:

01:21 I Can’t to I Can

06:46 Embrace the Dance

10:08 Creating Ripples

16:14 Waiting is Part of the Process 

25:22 Who Gets the Glory

28:27 Obedience Not Perfection

30:33 Walk in Excellence



Just like a dance, life has a rhythm and if you can find the perfect partner to dance with, you will find that life is truly beautiful. Who could that partner be? Listen in as Rachel and Nutrition Coach Rachel Bailey answer that and more!… Click To Tweet






07:12 “Embrace the struggle, embrace those things that make you uncomfortable, because He will guide you through them when it seems impossible.” —Rachel Bailey

11:10 “Struggling is not necessarily a bad sign.” —Rachel Bailey

13:13 “One thing that goes hand-in-hand with prayer is waiting.” —Rachel Bailey

23:21 “We’re never there until we take our last breath. Even when we’re over 100, we are always taking that next step.” -Rachel Best

25:24 “God gets the glory when we embrace Him in our dance. We’re not performing for him, we’re conforming with him.” —Rachel Bailey

27:42 “God is asking for obedience, not perfection. Don’t let perfection get in the way of obedience, because obedience equals freedom.” —Rachel Bailey

28:19 “Don’t let perfection get in the way of obedience because obedience is freedom.” —Rachel Bailey

30:33 “Don’t use [imperfection] as an excuse to not pursue excellence. Walk in a place of excellence and do your best.” —Rachel Bailey

33:58 “You are unique and you have a purpose. Walk in that confidently and don’t let anyone tell you differently.” —Rachel Bailey


Meet Rachel:

Rachel Bailey, a certified Nutrition Coach and the author of Embrace the Dance: Finding Freedom and Joy by Living on Purpose (COMING SOON ON FEBRUARY 3, 2023) provides simple, easy, and effective solutions to help others maintain a healthy body, creates stronger minds, and build more stable finances. Her holistic approach includes physical health & nutrition coaching, along with mental and financial coaching, to allow her clients to achieve overall balance and success. Going beyond this, she has a spiritual component to her practice, helping her clients to connect to God and live their life’s purpose. She seeks to help those who want to create positive and lasting transformations in their life. Rachel currently resides in Austin, Texas with her family.