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The journey of an entrepreneur is a beautiful voyage furnished with obstacles and challenges. But before we can get to success, we have to face our biggest fears.

Fear is a silent assassin. Fear keeps us up at night and makes us feel overwhelmed. Often, it even keeps us stuck in a place where we’re not growing. In order to get where we want to be, we will have to overcome fear, insecurity, and self-doubt. 

This week, we are joined by Corryn Kivett, the founder of Evolution Room. She teaches us that our greatest growth comes when we are challenged and when we do something we’re afraid of. 

Join in as Rachel and Corryn discuss why we should take our personal development more seriously, what challenges are on our way and what we can do about them, how to make sales easier, how courage stacking can help us overcome limiting beliefs, and what can help us stay grounded when people’s words start to create doubts in us.


“Now more than ever do we need to be grounded in who we are; our mindset dialed in for where we’re going rather than where we’ve been.” -Corryn Kivett


Episode Highlights:

01:40 Taking Personal Development Seriously

12:16 The Cost of Not Growing

16:58 In the Face of Obstacles

22:09 People Will ALWAYS Have Something to Say

25:01 Business Advice and Tips to Grow Your Biz

32:16 Evolution Movement

34:49 Adopt Magic in Your World


The entrepreneurial journey is a wild one. We have to overcome fear, doubts, and insecurity before we can get to our goal. Listen in as Rachel and Evolution Room founder, Corryn Kivett share how we can move from fear to living our purpose.… Click To Tweet



06:24 “When you go out and make your mark in the world, you’re stepping into the unknown because you’re creating from nothing.” -Corryn Kivett

07:24 “I took my personal development very, very seriously because I’m the common denominator in my life.” –Corryn Kivett

08:31 “As a business professional, as a service provider— whatever it is that you want to do in the world— the common denominator is always working with people.”  -Corryn Kivett

12:52 “Making an investment in myself at that time was scary. However, what was even more scary was staying the same and staying where I was.”  -Corryn Kivett

13:35 “We can have all the tools in the world. However, it’s up to us to use them; it’s up to us to be responsible and get the value out of it.” -Corryn Kivett

17:05 “It never gets easier. We just get better.” -Corryn Kivett

20:32 “Sales is just helping people.” -Corryn Kivett

22:57 “Now more than ever do we need to be grounded in who we are; our mindset dialed in for where we’re going rather than where we’ve been.” -Corryn Kivett

26:34 “Often, we are reaching out to other people when deep down, we really know the answer. So tuning into ourselves and navigating from that place is always powerful.” -Corryn Kivett

30:17 “Celebrate yourself as often as you can because we’re constantly creating what we focus on.” -Corryn Kivett


Meet Corryn:

Corryn Kivett became a Certified NLP Trainer in Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP), then launched Evolution Room to help visionaries, change makers and entrepreneurs transform to perform at their best.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with emphasis in Finance from San Diego State University and is also a Master Practitioner of NLP, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy, NLP Master Coach, and a Successology Certified Coach.

She knows what it feels like to want more, be more and create more which is why she helps people step into their full potential. Corryn believes it takes courage to change and follow your dreams, courage you always have the choice to tap into.